This page checks the correctness of OpenStreetMap. The findings are published as reports.
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This page checks the correctness of OpenStreetMap. The findings are published as reports.
Learn about our datasets or submit an idea or issue to improve this website.
Can every stolperstein in Berlin be found on OpenStreetMap?
Can every stolperstein in Berlin be found on OpenStreetMap?
⚠️ No, at least 7039 stolpersteine are missing on OSM.
Can every 7-Eleven on OSM be found in the official dataset?
⚠️ No, 2867 7-Eleven stores are without an equivalent in the official dataset.
Can every Pxmart be found on OSM by its ID?
🏗️ This page is new or broken. It’s likely inaccurate.
Do chain grocery stores without a ref=* value have no nearby duplicates?
⚠️ No, there are 55 stores too close to another.
Can every 7-Eleven be found on OSM by its ID?
🏗️ This page is new or broken. It’s likely inaccurate.
Is every YouBike station at the position reported by the official API?
🏗️ This page is new or broken. It’s likely inaccurate.
Does every YouBike station have valid values?
✅ Yes, it does.
Does every YouBike station have all common tags?
🏗️ This page is new or broken. It’s likely inaccurate.
Does every Metro station entrance have its wheelchair accessibility mapped?
🏗️ This page is new or broken. It’s likely inaccurate.
Can every YouBike station on OSM be found in the official dataset?
🏗️ This page is new or broken. It’s likely inaccurate.
Can every YouBike station be found on OSM by its ID?
🏗️ This page is new or broken. It’s likely inaccurate.
Does every YouBike station without a ref=* value have no nearby duplicates?
✅ Yes, it does.
Does every on OpenStreetMap YouBike station have a ref=* value?
⚠️ No, 4 stations have no ref=* tag.
Does every YouBike station on OpenStreetMap have a unique ref=* value?
⚠️ No, there are 44 values being reused.